Qhuba and Dimensions Training close collaboration

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Home » Qhuba and Dimensions Training close collaboration

Akbar Zarrinpajouh

The need for knowledge and expertise is increasing. The world does not stand still, so you will also want to continue to develop. This is also one of the reasons that the training offer in the Netherlands is very large and only seems to be getting bigger. But how can you find that one training course in this huge range that meets your wishes and needs and that also delivers real returns?

Qhuba has come into contact with Dimensions Training for this, which is led by Akbar Zarrinpajouh. Akbar himself has been active for many years as an IT Project Manager and later as a Scrum Master. Because he himself has followed various training courses in his career, he has found out what makes a training effective and sticks with it. He continued to investigate this, which ultimately led to 13 criteria that a training must meet to make you successful. These 13 criteria form the basis of the training agency Dimensions Training.

A training is more than just learning theory for one or more days. It is precisely the translation into practice and getting started with what you have learned that you really learn something from it. In addition to professional and personal guidance, Dimensions Training also provides a playful twist to the exercises and training sessions, so that you have a fun day or days in addition to a useful one.

Akbar’s vision and mission is one that we as Qhuba also fully support and that we are happy to contribute to. That is why we have decided to join forces. From now on we will regularly offer training via Dimensions Training and our employees will also have the opportunity to continuously expand their knowledge.

The training courses such as Scrum Master Basic or Advanced, Project Management or Agile Portfolio Management help you to be and remain employable in the long term.

Do you want to start a course in January? Then take a look at the Product Owner training on January 16 and 17 in The Hague or an Agile Leadership training on January 27 and 28 in Zwolle.

Want more information about Akbar’s mission or Dimensions Training? Then visit the website .

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